Well, How do I say this? Where do I start?..I dunno.. I'm not a freakin' dramaqueen. I don't do this kind of sh*t but this is TOO unbearable for me so I really need to atleast f*ckin' try to let it out of my crappy head. I'm not good at expressing myself 'coz I don't do that. I CAN'T. Period. So lemme try...
..Have you ever feel unloved? Taken for granted? Easily abandoned? and ignored by the people around you?.. I feel that most of the time especially with friends. It feels like there's a TON of people around you, but NOBODY hella cares! You just dont exist! So there.. See? crappy right? Sh*tty but TRUE.
..Special someone not around..
.."FRIENDS" blowing you off..
What a fun way to start my 23rd year!
THANKS guys..
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